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Showing posts from August, 2017

Ranking The Padres Players Weekend Nicknames

The MLB is putting on their first-ever Players Weekend, featuring unique jerseys for all 30 teams- the Padres iteration of which is proudly displayed at the top of this article. I think we can all agree that normally, the Padres uniforms are painfully boring, so this is a nice change of pace.... these are certainly anything but boring. Are they good jerseys? Eh..... not really. I'm no fashionista, but the blue and yellow definitely clashes, and they're concerningly identical to what the Brewers will roll out for Players Weekend.  But they're certainly not boring. And historically, "not boring" has been in very short supply for this franchise over its history. So... all things considered, even though the color of the yellow hats have an unsettling resemblance to urine ( could you imagine those with an all brown jersey? lol #poop #jokes), I feel pretty good about how these uniforms look. Now, I know you may be thinking to yourself,  "Well, those j...